Beware the Purple Loosestrife!
Purple Loosesrtife has become prevalent in Sand Lake and Kiddies Pond. In 2018 & 2019 manual control has greatly reduced the infestation in Kiddies. Sand Lake still has a serious infestation and an isolated patch has recently been discovered on the western shore of John Joseph's Pond. Our goal is to keep this aggresive invasive plant from infesting the Great Sand Lakes. This is a definite possibility.
If you are a pondside property owner and identify Purple Loosestrife, try to remove as much as you can, if not all, before it flowers and goes to seed. If you think you have identified Purple Loosestrife and it is not possible for you to manage yourself or you have any questions or concerns, please fill out the form below and we will work to help eliminate it from your property.