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Weed Watcher Program

4:00pm - 6:00pm

Waquoit Bay Reserve Boat House

131 Waquoit Highway, Waquoit

Weed Watchers Training 2023

On July 10th 2023, Jim Straub Aquatic Biologist from the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation's Lakes and Ponds Program presented a Weed Watchers training session for 21 registered GSLA members. Atendees were provided with various handouts including:

After instructions on how to systematically identify plant species (see partial video below of the session) Attendees were divided into teams and were given examples of various aquatic plants to identify using A Guide to Aquaic Plants in Massachusetts as a reference tool. 

A breif question and answer session followed with atendees exibiting great concern and enthusiasm in addressing varrious observed and potential trouble spots around our ponds. Among the most prevelant being the spread of clasping pondweed.  


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I recognize the need for volunteer time and talent in keeping our water free of invasive plant species. I'm willing to help out the Great Sand Lakes Association in the following ways:

Purple Loosestrife

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Why are native species vital to our ecosystems?

The term "native" is often defined as those plants that have been documented to occur in an area before the arrival of the colonists. Sometimes it can mean "native (possibly at a regional level) to the United States".

There are not many places like Cape Cod, so when it comes to landscaping, it is important to use plant species that are naturally found within the Cape’s habitats. Since native species have been living in our area for so long, they have become an integral part of the Cape’s web of life. A native type of fungus breaks down dead branches from a native type of tree, adding nutrients to the soil that allow a new tree to grow. That tree provides food for insects and habitat for birds. The birds eat the insects, and in turn, are eaten by larger birds. If you take any one link in this chain away, the ecosystem changes - and could possibly even collapse.

What happens when non-native species are introduced?

Native species are threatened when non-native species are introduced into an ecosystem. Non-native species can often take over an area, choking out the native species - especially if introduced someplace where they have no natural predators. This goes for mammals, fish, insects and plants. An invasive species that colonizes a new area may gain an ecological edge since the insects, diseases, and foraging animals that naturally keep its growth in check in its native range are not present in its new habitat.

Beautiful, unusual, exceptionally hardy, drought-tolerant, or fast-growing plants are sought by gardeners the world over.

Unfortunately, plants selected for their resilience may be invasive because of their adaptable nature. Plants selected for their aesthetic value may be hard to banish from our garden.

What is an Invasive Plant?

An invasive plant is a species non-native to the ecosystem, and whose introduction, whether accidental or intentional, causes or is likely to cause harm to the environment, economy, or human health. An invasive plant has the ability to thrive and spread aggressively outside its natural range. A naturally aggressive plant may be especially invasive when it is introduced to a new habitat. Some invasive plants are worse than others.

Many invasive plants continue to be admired by gardeners who may not be aware of their weedy nature. Others are recognized as weeds but property owners fail to do their part in preventing their spread. Some do not even become invasive until they are neglected for a long time. Invasive plants are not all equally invasive. Some only colonize small areas while others may spread aggressively and dominate large regions in just a few years.

Why are invasive species (or non-natives) a problem?

It's a matter of ecology. In some situations these non-native species cause serious ecological disturbances. Often desirable for landscape plantings, invasive plants are successful because they often:  

  1. grow and mature rapidly;
  2. spread quickly;
  3. can flower and/or seed over a long period of time;
  4. have few known diseases or insects to provide control;
  5. thrive in many habitats;
  6. are difficult to control;
  7. and, remove nutrients from the soil and sometimes add toxic chemicals to limit competition with other plants.

In the worst cases, invasive plants ruthlessly choke out other plant life. This puts extreme pressure on native plants and animals, and threatened species may succumb to this pressure. Ultimately, invasive plants alter habitats and reduce biodiversity.

Invasive Plants:
  • Produce large numbers of new plants each season.
  • Tolerate many soil types and weather conditions.
  • Spread easily and efficiently, usually by wind, water, or animals.
  • Grow rapidly, allowing them to displace slower growing plants.
  • Spread rampantly when they are free of the natural checks and balances found in their native range.
What Can You Do?

You can be proactive by planting native species of plants in your yard. Ask your landscaper if at least some of the species planted (or being planted) are native to the area. Native plant species are great because they typically thrive without a lot of attention, use considerably less water and chemical pesticides, and are accustomed to the salt air and temperature variability on the Cape.

Weed Watcher Program

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

4:00pm - 6:00pm

Waquoit Bay Reserve Boat House

131 Waquoit Highway, Waquoit

Are you concerned about the health of Mashpee-Wakeby Pond, Ashumet Pond, Mystic Lake, or another favorite local pond? If so, attend this Weed Watcher workshop offered by the MA Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) Lakes and Pond Program to learn how to best to monitor your backyard pond for harmful invasive plants. During this hands-on workshop focused on plant identification, you will learn how you can help prevent the spread of invasive weeds in Massachusetts waters.

A Proactive Approach: Learning How to Identify Invasive Plants!

A key goal of DCR’s Lakes and Ponds Program is to prevent further infestation of Massachusetts’ lakes and ponds by invasive plants and removing existing populations of invasive plants. To meet this goal the Lakes and Ponds Program has developed a training to teach local lake groups to monitor their ponds for the presence of invasive plants and to develop a removal plan if an infestation is found. Lakes and Ponds Program staff will bring live plant specimens to the training for a hands-on identification workshop. Those who register for the event will receive more information about how to bring potential nuisance plants from your ponds to identify at the workshop!  

What are the Harmful Effects of Invasive Aquatic Plants?

When invasive plants become established in a lake or pond, they are almost impossible to remove and very expensive to control. Invasive plants spread rapidly and form dense mats that can make boating, fishing, and swimming impossible. As the recreational and aesthetic value of the pond declines, property values around the lake also decrease. Invasive species also alter pond habitat and disrupt the ways aquatic ecosystems normally function. If a pioneer infestation of invasive plants is identified early, there is a greater chance that the plant can be eradicated before it becomes established in the lake or pond.  

By monitoring your lake or pond you are taking an active role in ensuring the protection of your lake for the future. 


Waquoit Bay Reserve, Falmouth Pond Coalition,

Falmouth Water Stewards

Waquoit Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve

131 Waquoit Highway/Route 28

Waquoit, MA 02536


Questions? Contact: Kristen Weir, Coastal Training Program Coordinator This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.