We’ve been working hard to improve our beach monitoring database to allow for quick and easy navigation. You can now interact with the data to zero in on the information most relevant to you.
Navigating the dashboard is easy; simply follow the steps indicated below.
Step 1: Select a town. Selected towns will appear highlighted in blue. You can select one town or all towns. The data window will appear empty until a selection is made. To deselect a town, simply click on it a second time and it will no longer appear highlighted in blue.
Step 2: Select a beach from the drop down in the bottom right-hand corner. Once you have selected a town(s), the beaches monitored for that town will appear on the list. To select a beach or beaches, simply click the squares to the left of the beach name. You can select one or multiple beaches.
Step 3: Select a date or dates from the tiles located at the bottom of the page. Once you make a selection, the tile will appear shaded black. NOTE: Once a beach is selected, the database will only show the dates that beach was sampled. Remember, we sample beaches either weekly or monthly as indicated in the table.
Filtering the Data
You can sort the data by clicking or hovering over the column headers and selecting the triangular arrows. For example, you can sort the data by date to show the newest samples first and the oldest samples last and vice versa. A right side up triangle will show older data first, while a second click will reveal an upside-down triangle, which indicates that newer data is shown first.
Please note! While our program does provide monitoring to semi-public beaches (homeowner’s associations, hotels, etc.), only public beaches are displayed here.
If you’re having trouble seeing any aspect of the data, try hovering your finger or mouse over the dashboard and “scrolling” up, down, left, or right.
Text too small to read? If you are working at a desktop or laptop computer, press Ctrl + to zoom in. If you are viewing the data from a mobile phone, try the horizontal view.